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Digital Marketing

Any activities you do to reach out to your Target Audience using the Internet, mobile devices, social media, Website, search engines, and other channels are called Digital marketing. However the definition of digital marketing is constantly being expanded by new platforms, new techniques and strategies.

Current Scenario

Now a day’s Nonprofit educational institutions such as schools & colleges are BUSINESSES, Due to the sudden spike in the number of educational institutions in India recent years, So many institutions are facing heavy competition to promote the courses, to get the required number of admissions and retain their students. 

 Also most of them relying heavily on traditional marketing and spent huge money on TV ads, Newspapers, Billboards and Direct mail and end up getting very less response for their effort and money. Hence educational institutions need to find some other medium to market their brand and courses to get more enrollment.


Benefits of Digital Marketing 
1. Low cost than traditional marketing
2. High Return on Investment (ROI)
​3. Easy to measure and Adjust based on the result
​4. Brand Development
​5. Engage with right audience and right time
​6. Bring more leads than Traditional Marketing

What do we do

"Enroll more student and grow your business with A.I.C.D framework"  

 1.ATTRACT - Attract your target audience by giving needful information

 2. INFLUENCE - Develop a strategy to influence the prospective audience 

 3. CONVERT - Convert your prospect and leads and enroll them

 4. DELIGHT - Delight with your facilities & education to retain and referral

How we do it
1. Consult with core team and understand the current scenario
2. Set the goal what they would like to achieve

​3. Define what they will get it in return (ROI)
​4. Kickoff
​5. Plan - Prepare - Perform
​6. Analyse the result and learn from it and repeat the process until we achieve the result

Why do you choose us

1. Deliver results than service

2. We know you better than anybody else as we are there in the field daily

3. Show the value for the money you have invested in

4. Committed to achieve the desired result

5. After all we love your "cheque"